

Hi, if you're here, that means you may be quite interested in the music I listen to. Sorry to inform you that I'm eclectic as hell and therefore I enjoy pretty much everything. Still, you can find a little bit about my latest favorite albums below:

folklore, by Taylor Swift

2020 was a terrible year, not only due to covid and social isolation, but also because I lost my mother on July 9th. I was really depressed back then when suddenly my favorite artist released an album out of nowhere, and it was called folklore. It's not a pop album, as many would guess, but rather a folk album, and a really sad one. I cried myself to sleep many nights listening to this album, which was the only comfort I had back then for the pain I was feeling after losing someone I love. To me, folklore is not just the best Taylor Swift album, but a representation of my grief, of the good and the bad moments, of feeling completely alone and not at all simultaneously. folklore, I owe you my life.

Take Me Back to Eden, by Sleep Token

Every Sleep Token album is a transcedental experience for me, but this one hit the sweet spot. I was waiting for its release since January 2023, when many of the album's singles were released. I remember I couldn't stop listening to The Summoning, it was too good to be true. The rest of the album is also really good, I honestly can't tell if the best part is the singles or the other songs. I highly recommend listening to this album in its entirity.

The Emptiness, by Alesana

Oh my, this is a big one for me. I believe the first time I've been hyperfocused on an album, it was this one. I was only 16, my mental health was already messed up, and this album made me feel alive. It's inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Annabel Lee", which is one of my favorites. Being a concept album, this one tells a story about a madman who wakes up one day to find the love of his life is no longer alive. He then proceeds to seek vengeance. It's an amazing album that deserves to be listened to in its entirity. If you can't handle screams, though, do not attempt to listen!

Damnation, by Opeth

I first heard this album when I was living in Oslo, back in 2014. During the long dark winter days, it was the only thing that could give me some solace. I felt completely alone, but this album made me feel a little bit less lonely. "Hope Leaves" hit even harder when I moved back to Brazil -- I even had a picture of my bedroom in Oslo on my old Instagram account with the caption "And I know you'll never return to this place". I haven't returned, indeed, but maybe, someday... Who knows. Still hurts, though.

Speak Now (Taylor's version), by Taylor Swift

Speak Now is an album that took a long time to grow on me, but when it did, oh my. I couldn't stop listening to it. I was also going through some heartbreak when the Taylor's version was released, so it was really nice to sing and cry out the lyrics to Dear John. Innocent always gets me as well. I love Haunted, but it took some time for me to see what an amazing song it was. Enchanted is amazing, of course, and Long Live makes me feel energetic and ready to... do something, maybe? In regards to the vault tracks, I fell in love with Foolish One (I was heartbroken, remember?) and Timeless (although I'm not that romantic, I guess).

Midnights, by Taylor Swift

Released in 2022, I've enjoyed this album since I first listened to it. However, it has been growing even bigger for me in the last months. Maybe there's something about getting older and seeing a succesfull older woman talking about the things that kept her awake over the years... It's funny how no experience is unique. We've all been or will be there. Meet us at midnight.


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